Stanford Stories X - Santa Cruz

You guessed it. Right? Another week, another hike. This time the “Stanford hikers” went on 15 km hike at the Pacific coast close to Santa Cruz which is 1h south of Palo Alto / Stanford. Santa Cruz is a pretty interesting place. It is a picturesque seaside resort that because of its beaches and waves is one of the most famous surfing spots in the US. Next to all the surfers, there are also a number of students studying at the University of California in Santa Cruz and for everyone into Mountain biking, it is also home of the Santa Cruz bike brand. After our great hike along the coast west of Santa Cruz, we enjoyed the best ice cream I ever had here at Marianne’s ice cream shop - highly recommended.

Next to hike, we also went on two local cycling tours in the Mountains close to Stanford (Old La Honda and King’s Mountain). Fortunately, my legs start to feel better and better and I am starting to enjoy the climbs more and more. I guess my legs should be now strong enough to cross the Mountains to go to see the Pacific by bike (and of course crossing the Mountains a second time to come back.)

Last but not least, if you are reading this post you might have noticed that the whole website looks a bit different and the url has changed. That’s because I decided to redesign my professional website. For all the nerds: instead of wordpress, I am now using jekyll with the al-folio theme. Jekyll is a pretty nice light-weight system that allows to easily build static websites using markdown-based content. Moreover, it is also supported by github which makes hosting via github pages easy.

Pacific coast close to Santa Cruz
Sustainable transport of surf boards.
Halloween and the dia de los muertos are coming closer.

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